The Least Important Qualifier

Jan 15, 2024


What is the least important qualifier in enterprise sales?


Having a project budgeted.


That’s because if the need is strong enough at the decision making level, the project gets done.


And if the need isn’t strong enough at that level, it doesn’t happen.


Ever have a budgeted project NOT get implemented in the year for which it was budgeted? It happened to a lot of us last year.


We have to remember that this year’s budget represents LAST YEAR’s decision making. And when business conditions change, minds usually change.


Assuming you’re talking at the right level, NEED BEATS BUDGET every time.


What that means for you as a relationship manager or new account sales executive is that all projects budgeted for your product or service this year still need to be verified.


And, just because there’s no budget for what you sell don’t give up on them. It doesn’t mean something can’t happen this year.


Always stay focused on needs and wants. Always.


Have a great week!




P.S. When you’re ready to take things to another level, let me know, will you? If I can’t help, I’ll try to point you in the right direction: [email protected].


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