That Magic Moment

May 11, 2022

No matter how long you’ve been in the sales profession, what we all long for is to know, to really know, what caused our clients to buy from us.


What is it that swayed their decision?


This is the differentiation that truly matters. Not what we think or what our marketing department thinks. It’s what caused them to buy. This is your hook. This is your unique selling proposition (USP).


How do you find out? As you’d suspect, it’s to ask. You want to poll your clients individually, and hopefully face to face.


Here’s what I recommend:


Select the last 3 sales you made where there was significant competition. Ask the person who made the decision and/or the person who made the final recommendation these two questions:


“Do you remember the exact moment that you made the decision to go with us (or to select the product/service)? Do you remember what you saw or heard that triggered it?”


Something you said or did or showed them grabbed them, it pushed them in your direction, and you want them to mentally go back to that time.


Maybe you painted a picture in their mind of the future state they wanted where their goal was achieved or their pesky problem is solved. Maybe it wasn’t just one thing they heard but a bunch of little things that culminated in them thinking, “I’m sold.” Whatever the reason, you want them to remember that time and to tell you about it.


So you can use that powerful information going forward.


You can use that phrasing with other prospects in multiple places in your sales process – during presentations and demos and just before closing.


You can work it into contract renewal summaries and additional product or service opportunities with your clients.


There was a “magic moment” when that buying decision happened. Find out what it was. Then, give it a try. I’d love to hear how it worked out for you. It may be something you’ll want to work into your routine with all client decisions.


Good luck and good selling!


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