Presentation Segues

Jan 12, 2022


This week’s topic is short and sweet and it’s for people who make presentations.


If your presentations feel choppy and you want to make them smoother, work on your transitions. It’s an overlooked part of the presentation development process.


Transitions, also known as segues, are those words used to link one topic to another. They’re like the couplings between train cars.


Here’s an example of a transition: “In summary we’ve shown that…How is that accomplished you ask? Here’s how…


Here’s another: “We’ve talked about the what, now let’s talk about the why.


And, another: “So those are the key steps in our implementation plan. Let’s move on to the people who’ll be doing the implementation.”


If you’re using slides, you can click after you’ve spoken about the first topic and before speaking on the second or complete the whole transition and then click. Both work great.


Build in a few extra minutes to build these in the next time you create your presentation.


P.S. Are there topics you’d like to have me cover in the coming weeks? Email me at [email protected] with your ideas.


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