Countering Happiness with the Incumbent

Feb 20, 2023


Competitive replacement sales opportunities usually begin with a triggering event. It may be a big event like an acquisition or change in decision makers.


Or it could be a series of small events that build to the point of maximum frustration, like missed deadlines and weak service response. The client finally says, “We’ve had enough.”


These are all good news for a new logo hunter.


But what if there’s no triggering event? Is it still possible to unseat an incumbent?


It is. But odds are lower, it’ll take longer, and you’ll definitely have to bring your “A-game”.


It starts with being able to get in the door. An objection you’re likely to hear to your prospecting message is some version of, “We’re happy with our current supplier.” It’s an easy excuse prospects give to NOT meet with you, whether it’s true or not.


Countering that statement with something like, “Would you like to know why our clients are happier?” probably won’t work.


That plays on their turf. And in order to unseat an incumbent, it almost always has to be on your


When you make a cold call, you’re on defense. You want to put the incumbent on defense. Your goal is to have the prospect to compare the incumbent supplier to you, not the other way around.


One way to start that is by reframing the “we’re happy with” objection into something else that trumps happiness. Like improving the bottom line.


But you do it in a soft, non-defensive and non-threatening way.


For example: “I can see why. They’re good at what they do and most of their people are really nice. So, for us to have 3 of their clients recently join us it had to be something beyond them being frustrated with XYZ. Would you like to know what it was? It was the bottom line. We helped them…”


Alignment with the prospect. Complimenting the competitor. Pattern interrupt. Curiosity. Your turf.


Will this work all the time? Of course not. You’re fighting longer odds. But it does give you a better shot than some of the old standard replies.


Today’s key message: Use creative methods to put the incumbent on defense when selling competitive replacements.


Happy President’s Day and Have a great week!




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